Existing since the middle of the 18th century, the windmill had lost its former fame, when it was time to restore it, in 2015.
From the 18th century to the Second World War
Around 1750, the windmill was mentioned on the Cassini maps. It milled cereals till the early 20th century, when it lost its wings.
During the Second World War, the roof disappeared too.
Meanwhile, it was gradually deterioring. But Benesse inhabitants really cared about it and kept going to the windmill site. Then one day ...
On the early Second World War
From 2015 to 2018 : the risky challenge of a succesful restoration
While only the tower of the mill remained, in 2015, some people decided to restore the windmill. They created an association : "les Ailes Bénessoises" (Benesse's wings).
After a long time dedicated to studies and research, the restoration started by respecting the former architecture. The Ailes Benessoises association was helped by a mill carpenter, but most of the works were done by volunteers. And after 3 years...
In 2015, Only the tower remained.
Restoration from 2015 to 2018
Since 2020, the mill has now been milling !
The windmill has new wings ! Since 2020, the mill has been used to mill gluten-free cereals from local organic label farms. It can also been visited.
It's only waiting for you. Come and have a look at it !